Icompta 5. Keep track of your income and expense schedule your bills stay in line with your budget and finally know where all your money goes thanks to beautiful charts. With the help.
Full synchronization between icompta 5 on mac and icompta 3 on iphone ipad using icloud dropbox or local network modify many transactions at once using batch editing or the powerful rules engine professional features. Take control over multiple financial accounts and schedule future transactions with ease. Whether it be accounts budgets or individual people in the household icompta can track each of these in various methods.
Icompta is designed to be as easy to use as possible while maintaining an array of features to help you track your money down and start saving.
Icompta 6 on mac runs on macos 10 9 and is fully compatible with the latest system version macos 11. You can show a graph of the balance evolution of an account and even have a forecast for the. With the help. Full synchronization between icompta 5 on mac and icompta 3 on iphone ipad using icloud dropbox or local network modify many transactions at once using batch editing or the powerful rules engine professional features.